Social Assistance Programs2025-03-03T11:51:04-05:00

NOTICE: Changes to Ontario Works beginning March 1 

Starting March 1, 2025, employment supports for Ontario Works in the District of Thunder Bay will be offered by Employment Ontario instead of TBDSSAB.

What this means for you:

  • TBDSSAB will continue to deliver Ontario Works. However, TBDSSAB will no longer fund employment activities. This includes monthly payments for travel and transportation. You may have access to funding through Employment Ontario.
  • Your Caseworker will contact you to make an action plan. The plan will look at strengths, skills, and support needs.
  • When you are ready, your Caseworker will refer you to Employment Ontario. Your OW Caseworker and Employment Ontario staff will support your employment and personal goals based on your action plan.
  • Everything else about the Ontario Works program will stay the same.

Please contact your Caseworker if you have any questions about this change.

The content on this page is being updated. Thank you for your patience as we make improvements to our website.

TBDSSAB delivers social assistance programs, including Ontario Works, throughout the District of Thunder Bay. Our Social Assistance Programs empowers people in need to achieve self-sufficiency through short-term financial aid and case management. We also partner with community services to connect our clients with education, training, and volunteer opportunities.

Social Assistance Programs FAQ

Ontario Works

How to Apply

Online Application – click here

After you complete your online application, the local office will contact you with an appointment time.  If you do not have a contact number, please contact your TBDSSAB office


2. Telephone Screening

To apply for social assistance, contact the Intake and Benefits Administration Unit at 1.888.999.1142

Ontario Works

Short-term assistance to individuals and families for basic needs, shelter, and emergency assistance.

People who qualify for assistance may also be eligible to receive benefits.  Examples of some benefits include: prescription drug coverage, dental and vision care for dependent children, diabetic supplies, surgical supplies and dressings, medical transportation costs, Transition Child Benefit and Extended Health Benefits, dental, and employment related expenses.

For further information see the Ontario Works Rate Chart and Earnings Exemption Chart.

How to Apply to Ontario Works


Ontario Works provides short-term social assistance to eligible persons in need.  It is intended as a last resort and only after all other options have been explored.

The Ontario Works legislation sets out the rules for eligibility and monthly budgetary amounts.

Eligibility for assistance is based on:

  1. Financial Need
  2. Assets and Income
  3. Participation Requirements

1. Financial Need:

Eligibility for Ontario Works assistance is based on financial need taking into consideration financial resources available to applicants/participants.  Financial resources include assets and various types of income.

2. Assets & Income:

Assets: To be eligible for assistance, the total value of assets held by applicants/participants and their dependants must be less than the legislated asset level for the benefit unit. Assets include:

  • cash, bonds, bank accounts, debentures, stocks, certificates, the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy, interest in property, a beneficial interest in assets held in trust and available to the benefit unit, vehicles, and other property which can be readily converted into cash.

Income: Applicants/participants are required to pursue all sources of income that are or will become available to him/her, as well as their dependants including those under their temporary care.  To be eligible for assistance, the applicant/participant’s income must be below the level determined for the benefit unit. Income includes:

  • Earnings, Child Support, Government Pensions, Employment Insurance payments, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payments, and all income of any nature or kind received by or on behalf of the applicant or participant, members of the benefit unit, and a dependant on whose behalf temporary care assistance is paid, unless otherwise exempted.

3. Participation Requirements

The Ontario Works Act requires applicants/participants to negotiate and enter into agreements to participate in employment related activities.  Applicants/participants must fulfill their responsibilities under the participation agreements to maintain eligibility for Ontario Works assistance.

Early Employment Measures include active job search activities carried out independently or within a structured job-search program.

Referrals to programs of education are made for participants in need of basic education.

The Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) program helps young parents aged 16 – 25 years complete their education and assists the family in becoming self reliant.  Participation in LEAP is required for young parents under 18 years of age who have not completed high school.  Parents aged 18 – 25 years in receipt of Ontario Works assistance may participate in LEAP if they have not completed high school.

Community Placement activities assist participants in gaining skills and experience through placement with community nonprofit agencies on community projects.  Through participation in this employment related activity, participants may improve skills and, gain work references and more self confidence as they move into the paid work force.

Employment Placement and Supports to Self Employment are employment measures prescribed under the Ontario Works legislation to assist participants to find paid employment and achieve financial independence.  Participants who need additional supports are provided with assistance to be placed in paid jobs.

Starting March 1, 2025, all employment supports through Ontario Works will be provided by Employment Ontario service providers.

Ontario Works is an employment focused program.

With Employment Services Transformation (EST), the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), through Employment Ontario (EO) is responsible for delivering employment and training services.

Ontario Works is responsible for delivering case management services that focus on connecting you to person-centered supports and services. When you are ready to participate in employment related activities a referral will be made to Employment Ontario.  Your Caseworker and Employment Ontario staff will work collaboratively to support your personal and employment goals and support needs.

Person-centered supports are considered part of a your participation requirements to address support needs as a step towards enabling participation in employment services.

Other supports are offered through The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) to help individuals successfully gain independence from Ontario Works. Contact your caseworker to discuss your Action Plan and any benefits you may be entitled to.

Workshops are free and are open to all Ontario Works participants. To register for workshops contact your Caseworker.

FREE Lunch for workshop participants.

Reviews & Appeals

Internal Review Process

Service recipients may use the Internal Review Process if they do not agree with a decision made with respect to social assistance.

To proceed with the internal review, the applicant/participant must submit in writing, a request for an internal review within thirty (30) days of the decision.  The letter must outline why they disagree with the decision.

The Case Presenting Officer performing the internal review is neutral and was not involved in making the decision under review.  The Case Presenting Officer will uphold, vary or reverse the decision.  A letter will be sent to the applicant/participant notifying him/her of the internal review decision.

An internal review must be completed prior to submitting an appeal to the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT).

Appeals to the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT)

Applicants/participants have the right to appeal decisions of internal reviews with respect to income assistance and benefits.  Decisions regarding discretionary benefits are not appealable.

The letter will advise if the decision can be appealed to the Social Benefits Tribunal, and will provide instructions on how to appeal.  Applicants/participants appealing an internal review decision can request temporary financial assistance until a decision is made.  If temporary assistance is granted, it must be repaid if the appeal is lost.

An application form can be downloaded here (PDF) or any local Ontario Works delivery site.

Reporting Fraud

The intent of the Ontario Works program is to help people in temporary financial need find sustainable employment and achieve self-reliance through the provision of effective, integrated employment services and financial assistance.

Are you aware of a situation in which someone is receiving Ontario Works who should not be?  To report a case of suspected fraud contact:

  • The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB)
    Phone:  807-766-2111
  • The Ministry of Children and Community Social Services
    Social Assistance Fraud Hotline
    Email:  welfare.fraud.css@ontario.ca
    Online:  Online Reporting Form (link opens in new tab)
  • Mail:  Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services
    Welfare Fraud Hotline
    Box 333
    Toronto, ON  M7A 1E9
Apply Online

Resources for Community Partners

Organizations interested in offering volunteer opportunities to Ontario Works recipients can contact:

Jennifer Lible, Manager, Social Assistance Programs

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