Media Release – Employee Campaign for the United Way Raises Over $26,000
The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board Employee Campaign Raises Over $26,000 for the United Way
February 9, 2017 – The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) is pleased to announce that a total of $26,547 has been collected through the Employee Campaign for the United Way. The media is invited to a cheque presentation event at the TBDSSAB office on 231 May Street South on February 10, 2017 at 11 AM, where Employee Campaign Chair Andrew Scavarelli and his Campaign Team will present the cheque to United Way Executive Director Jered Zieroth.
TBDSSAB employee contributions were collected through a number of initiatives, including voluntary payroll deductions and “dress down” days, a weekly occasion where employees have an opportunity to wear more casual attire in exchange for a donation to the United Way.
“TBDSSAB staff are proud to support the United Way because of the excellent community work that it supports and the difference this makes in the lives of the most vulnerable people in our District,” said Chief Administrative Officer, Bill Bradica.
Participation by the nearly 180 TBDSSAB employees in the voluntary initiatives supporting the campaign remained high throughout the year. The Employee Campaign for the United Way averaged $2,212 per month.
Contact: Brook Latimer, Communication & Engagement Officer
807-766-2111 ex. 4219