Media Release – TBDSSAB Strategic Plan 2020

March 28, 2017 – The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB) introduced their Strategic Plan 2020 today which focuses for the next three years on achieving Excellent Services, Success for the People We Serve and a Healthy Organization.

“This Strategic Plan will guide TBDSSAB through 2017-2020 to achieve positive outcomes for the most marginalized people in our communities. It focuses on priority areas reflecting the District of Thunder Bay’s needs for quality social services delivered in a cost effective manner,” said Bob Katajamaki, Chair of the TBDSSAB Board of Directors.

The Plan is based on an environmental scan of the District of Thunder Bay from July through November 2016 which benefited from:

  • personal interviews with mayors throughout the district and with some partnering agencies
  • online surveys of funded agencies
  • user surveys of our tenants and clients

Strategic Plan 2020 was created during workshops with the Board, senior management and a cross section of staff, including front line workers. Bill Bradica, TBDSSAB Chief Administrative Officer said the planning and development process was comprehensive and he is proud of the final result. “We included a review of past performance, analysis of systemic blocks and constraints, development of strategies to move the organization forward, and the creation of goals and milestones for the next three years. The plan looks outward to strengthen ties to the communities we serve and improving service.”

The TBDSSAB Strategic Plan 2020 aims to enhance communication with clients and partner groups, partner with health organizations, explore creative service solutions, broaden participation on advisory task forces, strengthen and deepen institutional relationships, reflect the community in our staffing and increase our advocacy activities.

Brook Latimer, Communications & Engagement Officer
807-766-2111 ex. 4219
807-633-5193 (Cell)